Medium Speed 125 ASA / ISO Black and White 35mm print film - Ilford has always been a VERY popular enthusiasts choice.
ILFORD FP4 Plus offers exceptionally fine grain, medium speed, black and white film. It is ideal for high quality indoor and outdoor photography, particularly suitable for enlargements.
In addition to general photography, FP4 Plus is also suited to copying and inter-negative work, and has many applications in sea and landscape, architectural, scientific, technical and industrial photography.
FP4 Plus is robust and will give usable results even if it is overexposed by as much as six stops, or underexposed by two stops. May be push and pull-processed to great effect.
It is compatible with all major processing systems, including those which give the standard short fixing and washing times.
ILFORD FP4 Plus is an exceptionally fine grain, medium speed, black and white film. It is ideal for high quality indoor and outdoor photography, particularly when giant enlargements are to be made. In addition to general photography, FP4 Plus is also suited to copying and inter-negative work, and has many applications in scientific, technical and industrial photography.
Overall, ILFORD FP4 Plus Black and White film offers fine grain, fast processing, and great sharpness. Rated at ISO 125, FP4 Plus is made with a balanced layer assembly which gives improved exposure latitude and tonal range. It gives good results from a wide range of developers and can be printed in a variety of ways.